Monday, November 21, 2011

L'Omelette Brouillée

With my current obsession with Julia Child and the fact that Mastering the Art of French Cooking (volume one) landed on my door step this morning, I just had to have a go, especially after watching this video from The French Chef:

So here is a photo log of my first attempt at Julia's L'Omelette Brouillée [Scrambled Omelette].

Melt the butter, ok, frying pan is a little wider than the 7inch one cited, but let's do this!

Beating eggs, I'm good at this, beaten until the yolks and whites are blended with the seasoning. That's looking good.

I do that jerking motion that she does in the video, but it doesn't fold in on itself. I guess that's the width of the pan, maybe it will with practice?

Here's my finished result, had to fold it myself, and we didn't have any fresh parsley so I used dried mixed herbs, not quite the same, now I know why I use these in sauces and not salad. But it looks good!

So, that is my first foray into the Julia Child's cookbook world, I'm not going to do a Julie Powell, I don't think I have the stamina for that, I very much doubt I'll go near the aspics, but you may see a few of these recipes pop up on here.

So for now, bon apetite!

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