Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cyber Candy!

If there was ever a reason for me to head into the bustling city of Birmingham, it'd be Cyber Candy.

I've loved this store since it opened, such great choice, some amusing sweets in there!
So, Craig and I went in there, not sure what we really wanted, though I was dying for some Reese's Pieces.

Here's my stash:

Vanilla Coke (how I've missed thee) Reece's Pieces and a Reece's Pumpkin! So peanut buttery, I love it.

I didn't photograph it but Craig had Mountain Dew Adrenaline, 2 packs of Twix Pods (bogof) and the pumpkin shaped Reese's.

They have so many things to choose from, I usually have Pocky. I love this store, perfect for a treat.

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