I guess alot of you know when you have a mooch on ebay you'll see listings from China, that are really cheap, usually I would click 'UK Only' but I thought I'd give it a go.
So here's what I bought from one seller:
I know, curious, right? What on Earth are they? Well let's play a little game.
First off, yes you can see the label and it tells you what it is, albeit in broken English.
So, what is it?
It's a lid stand! Honestly, I don't know why I bought it. Probably for the novalty of it. Then again it may save my counter top from wet patches, plus it's red and I want my kitchen red.
Next, what do you suppose this happy guy does?
He's a peeler! I had to have this guy when I saw him, he just made me smile! Imagine, you have to peel a carrot or ten, that's a task right there, pull this guy out the drawer and you'll smile and get on with it, bliss.
I love the packaging too, how cute!
Finally, what is this odd contraption?
You make crisps in the microwave with it! I actually bought it for Craig to play with, because he loves potato chips, so let him play around with it.
So that was my little kitchen gadget haul, I'm still waiting for an egg seperator, so I'll show you that once it's arrived.
I may show these in use at some point.